Hand To Mouth

Friday July 20th 2012

This is a republish of Wednesday’s post, but now – if all is well – the music video should work to be enjoyed by everyone  [the song was blocked through a different provider]. And even more so, when I contacted her,  Elizaveta herself assisted in working around it. She’s got heart. So if you like her music, show her some love and buy it here: ‘Hand to Mouth’ by Elizaveta. She also shared a link to hear more of her music for free, click here  [US only]: 


From Wednesday’s [July 18th 2012] post

Yesterday a very dear woman shared this deeply moving song with me – ‘Hand to Mouth’ by Elizaveta [lyrics at bottom of post] I felt compelled to listen to it over and over again – to feel its essence and to let it sink to  the core of my heart…Bordering on heart break. And let me tell you one thing:

We Will Not Let The Lights Go Down And Out

On This Beautiful Planet

Never –  Ever

We are to find our way back Home, to our Hearts, to our  Kindness and Compassion that is our Natural Way of Being. Because we must. Because we need to. Because we can. Because we will. Because that’s who we are.

. . . We come, then, for the healing of hearts and for the healing of the brokenhearted and those who are bowed down and cannot raise themselves up. We come for the many who are crisscrossing the globe, for whom no one cares. They are without food or water or medicine. And worst of all they are without hope. For almost no one cares for them.

“Will you turn your backs on them and say, ‘Well, it must be their karma,’ and harden your hearts toward them? Or will you offer prayers and invocations in their behalf as well as providing sustenance and medicine?”

Shine Your Light  – Make Yourself Be Seen For Those Who Can’t ~ Jay



Hand To Mouth – Elizaveta

Jimmy got nothing, made himself a name

With a gun that he polished for a rainy day

A smile and a quote from a vigilant movie

Our boy Jimmy just blew them all away


He said it made him crazy

25 years living

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth


Sweet little baby on a big white doorstep

She needs her mother but her mother is dead

Just another hooker for the lucky to forget

Just another hooker, it happens every day


She left her little baby

She couldn’t bare to see her living

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth


I believe in the Gods of America

I believe in the Land of the Free

But no one told me

That the gods believe in nothing


So with empty hands I pray

And  I tell myself one day

That they will see me

See me


Everybody talks about the new generation

Jump on a wagon, gonna leave you behind

But no one gave a thought to  the rest of the nation

I’d like to help you, buddy

But I haven’t got the time


Somebody shouted “Save me”

And everybody kept them living

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth


There’s a big fat lady on the big white doorstep

She asked her daddy

And her daddy said “yes”

Has to give a little for the money that we get

Has to give a little – They say it’s for the best


Somebody shouted “Baby”

And everybody keeps them living

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth

Hand to Mouth


So she went to the Arms of America

And she kissed the powers that be

But someone told me

That the Gods believe in nothing

So with empty hands I pray

And I tell myself – one day

They may see me

See me


I believe in the Gods of America

I believe in the Land of the Free

But no one told me

That the Gods believe in nothing


So with empty hands I pray

And I tell myself – one day

They may see me

See me

2 Responses to “Hand To Mouth”

  1. 1 Jennifer July 20, 2012 at 8:09 pm

    I was already a fan of Elizaveta, but now she’s on my “You just plain rock!” list. I love that you wanted to share the song so much that you contacted the artist, and I love that she was so responsive and warm to a fan.

    And the music *is* beautiful and makes me swell with a mix of sorrow and compassion for all of humanity. IMHO, it is the mark of a true artist to be able to provoke a response like that in another human being.

    Thank you both for sharing the Love with the rest of us. : )

  2. 2 Jay July 21, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    Hi Jennifer, I think you just added an ounce or two to the Love sharing. Thank you for that ~ Much Love To You ~ Jay

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