Archive for the 'unity consciousness' Category

Why can’t I wiggle your finger?

Season’s greetings to you all. Gather around for this little bonfire exchange between Uncle Wayne (Dyer) and Uncle Deepak (Chopra), going right to the heart of unity consciousness and our sense of separation – from Source – ‘organizing intelligence’ –  and thus from  each other. Hope it lights you up as it did me.

“ If the same God, or intelligence or  infinite intelligence – organizing intelligence – runs through you , let’s say, that runs through me…there’s only one  –  there’s not a different God for you and a different God for me and a different God for everyone  – … the question is … ”   

Listen here for the [ dot dot dot ]: 

From : Living beyond miracles

Rolling in the dirt

I read a comment  where  this lady shared how she went to an event about ‘unity consciousness’. And after arriving at the place she noticed how the event organizers kinda kept to their own, off which she didn’t think too much as they probably were still wrapping up the preparations.  But halfway the event people were leaving early and the organizers were still (from her perspective) distancing themselves; and when she approached them to thank them for putting the event together, they weren’t really ‘present’. Long story short and paraphrasing:  they were not really acting ‘unity conscious’ –ly, not really giving off that Oneness-vibe.

And this is not to pick the commenter apart in any way, as I can imagine probably having made a similar observation myself. But it does raise an important question: how do we ‘recognize’ unity consciousness? What does it ‘look like’? How do we know we’re there? First let’s note that the observation is a subjective one, all wrapped up in expectations. And doesn’t it always come down to this, if we’re really honest:  what we’re seeing around ourselves, the things that catch our attention, triggers an emotion, is a perfect reflection of where we are. It’s a spiritual baseline to which you either subscribe or not – and either way is better [smile]. And yes,  it can be pretty challenging looking at every aspect of your life from the ‘as within so without’ perspective.

And  I [are you kidding me?] don’t have the final  answer to the “how do we ‘recognize’ unity consciousness?” – question . Probably as long as we label it as such, as something we expect outside of ourselves,  we’re not there yet. It’s the ultimate duality trap. So we do know the drill by now as we’re slouching to the kitchen for another cup of coffee/herbal tea: ‘Yeah I know,  I gotta go find it within myself –AGAIN’. Oooohhmmmm…

Reading the ‘unity consciousness’-comment also triggered this: Maslow…no not Pavlov…Abraham Maslow. Known for the ‘hierarchy of needs’ and his study of ‘self-actualized’ people.  On self-actualization [from Wiki]:

‘ “What a man can be, he must be.” This forms the basis of the perceived need for self-actualization. This level of need pertains to what a person’s full potential is and realizing that potential. Maslow describes this desire as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.’

Why did the Maslow-thing come up? Is self-actualization an aspect, or an expression, of unity consciousness? I do see similarities, like transcending the self, no judgment, not arguing with reality, now-presence. And I can imagine the spontaneity, joy, free spirit and a sense of non-failure that go with it. And reading the comment on that ‘not-so-unity’ event, it reminded me of this story: at the end of one of Maslow’s psychology courses, the students got a final exam. And for this exam, Maslow asked his students just one question. Suppose a self-actualized person goes to a party; it’s formal, everyone is in tuxedo, gowns, and this self-actualized person walks in wearing a pair of jeans, t-shirt, baseball cap. What would he do? Students wrote down how he would be okay with it, knowing it was fine just to be who he was, etcetera. After reading all the answers, Maslow said: you’ve all failed. The answer to this question can be given in four words: He would not notice.

How do you not notice: by being completely void of expectations. Paradoxically, only once ‘unity’ becomes meaningless, we have arrived. But then we won’t notice it, as we just will be there. Duality will have served its purpose and we’ve moved on, beyond separation.  In the meantime like most of us I still play the expectations game myself [only for entertainment, not because I need to, {ahum}].  And what do I expect?  I got a glimpse of a ‘unity conscious’ future, as I went for a little walk last week: a golden retriever  rolling on his back in the dirt, totally out of his mind. Happy, self-actualized, One with All, you name it. And he didn’t even notice.

Dutch detour

Just a little interlude: I translated a couple of articles on the shift in consciousness  in dutch; so I thought I might as well put them out here. Click on ‘original’ for a link to …you know…

So if my english starts to sound really incoherent in a bit …well then that’s because it’s dutch. So you know it’s just the language and not the chamomile tea talking. Or maybe you’ll find for the first time in your life that your fluent in dutch as well. Marvelous. So here we go.

Onderstaand een aantal artikelen over de verschuiving in bewustzijn vertaald in het Nederlands. Misschien voor jezelf of voor iemand anders die de Engelse taal niet zo machtig is. Nota bene: gebruik je Hogere Zelf als filter bij het lezen (klik op ‘original’ voor een link naar de oorspronkelijke tekst).

Leiders van een Nieuwe Mensheid – Lauren Gorgo  – [original]

Fases van Belichaming – Lauren Gorgo  – [original]

Wat is eenheidsbewustzijn – Denise Lefay  – [original]

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Is this thing on?

Nietzsche once said that ‘you need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star’ – And if one look out in the world (‘tension’) is anything to go by  (as within so without) we’re on the cusp of breaking out in one bright and shiny cosmic conga line, then.

Probably like many of you, life has sent me down the (often not so) scenic route, with detours, tourist traps, potholes, faded dreams and all. Actually I should say  ‘I had life sent  me…’ to put it in a spiritually correct non-victimized way, huh. A mixed bag of ‘we’ve come a long way, but we haven’t gone far’, anyway.

But on August 6th 2011 I wrote in my notebook these  words – ‘this is turnaround week’ – . And I know it sounds kinda pompous (and an awful lot like “detour”). Though  I didn’t necessarily knew what it meant, it felt like a major uplifting positive for humanity, this planet and more (and me), a heartfelt knowing, with a big chunk of ‘happy’. Perhaps it was just that for the first time I started to wake up to this ‘new’ reality that  I was part of it all, this major shift in consciousness I’d heard, maybe sensed a little, about before…. But this was beyond ‘a clue here and there‘ . And it’s like entering uncharted territory with an odd sense of familiarity. Have I been here before, do I know this place?

And while figuring this stuff out as I go along, trying to ride this learning curve, this shift comes with a deeper knowing and sense of connection and unity.

It’s becoming clearer to me how ‘reality’ (or the way we perceive the world and thus ourselves) isn’t filtered predominantly through the mind/left brain /lower chakras (fear-led ego) anymore, but through a ‘new’  (or re-activated ) center – your High Heart. It’s a different refined way of processing information which puts and holds you on the path of your Higher Self (or however you like to call it). And yes, it could probably spell a little more chaos first for many who are caught off guard by this kind of magic, as I see it as a collective bump up the ladder, affecting all of us.

Old school bookkeeping logic doesn’t feel (there you go already) satisfying anymore. It doesn’t work anymore, for more and more people, in the way it might have served many of us in the past. Why? It leaves out too much relevant, real (‘irrational’) information, which we’ve taken for granted for a long time. And we only discarded it because we couldn’t  put our finger or a figure ($) on it. Which only has deepened our sense of separation. But more and more are waking up to the feeling  that something major is off, unplugged. Time to get  it back on again.

So let me share a little ‘intuition on steroids’ experience I had recently. I was doing some exercise on the cross trainer. And suddenly this insight or whatever you wanna call it sunk into me:  – ‘The Angelic Realm is stepping in’ –  (and I can tell you that’s not my typical inner voice kinda chattering). I didn’t even need to picture it as it came with a wave of what I call pure ‘confirmation joy’. It’s yes beyond the shadow of a doubt. It feels like ‘relief’, ‘thank you’, ‘ticker-tape parade’.  And to make sure I really got the message I got a big exclamation mark to boot. See,  I was listening to my iPod in shuffle mode and skipped to the next song (out of 5,000): ‘The Ascent of Man’ (by REM, never heard it before). Okay…Long story short: we’ve got Company.

Do I understand it all? No. Do I mind? No. Do I heart? Yes! It’s on.

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